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Thursday, February 2, 2012

B ~ Banana Slug , Ariolimax columbianus

Banana Slug

Ariolimax columbianus is our almost iconic slug of the wet forest in the Pacific Northwest. Bananas are the second largest terrestrial slug in the world. They feed on dead and decaying organic matter and serve an important role in the composting cycle of the forest. They are eaten by raccoon, snakes, ducks and geese.

The Mascot of the University of California at Santa Cruz, the approximate southern most limit of its common range.

Go Sluggies!


  1. They are also very photogenic, Marti. Great shot, great post and great photo.

  2. You are not going to wait until April and do the A - Z Challenge with me and everyone else? Never mind, I am so happy you decided to do it. I know that your alphabet will contain the most interesting information, like this one. I didn't know this creature existed and was the mascot of UC Santa Cruz. Looking forward to more.

  3. Thanks Ron!. I should have used the shot from Washington Park, but that was only a "head portrait"

    Inger February is such a dreary month here I thought it would be a fun diversion. I am hoping to hit the road a bit more in April and get over to the far corners of the state

  4. Marti, I remember the first time I saw one of these when we first arrived in Vancouver, B.C. We couldn't believe it was alive! And so many and so BIG! We don't have the large variety here on the east coast....probably too cold.

  5. Hard to know for sure Jim. The cold weather does not persist very long here, but they range quite a bit north and persist there. What they hate is the dry,so perhaps the liquid level back east is not to their liking.
